PUSH Therapy

I scheduled a PUSH session, hoping to regain mobility in a frozen big toe joint. Hanako knew exactly where to start, how to proceed, and more importantly, gave me hope. The way in which she has been able to refine her PUSH myofascial technique over the years makes it extremely efficient and effective. Her healing hands instill trust and my body easily falls naturally into a state of deep relaxation.

Jane Fisher  Boulder, Colorado 

One hour cost: $120

Ninety minutes cost: $160

Goal-Oriented Program Available: Cost available upon request.

Contact Hanako at 720-838-8037 to schedule your session. Looking forward to hearing from you!

PUSH Therapy is the most comprehensive system of bodywork ever developed for chronic tension and pain relief.  The client is clothed and the therapist uses their elbow as the treatment tool.

PUSH Therapy was not designed to be a technique to treat symptoms. PUSH therapy is a comprehensive system that utilizes a customized treatment program to ensure that maximum, long-term results are achieved with each client.

Soft Pressure Stimulation is a technique unique to PUSH therapy and is applied with a relaxed, non-forceful pressure from the therapist.  Soft Pressure Stimulation techniques are used during PUSH treatments to restore blood flow and oxygen to tissue that has developed chronically tight or rigid patterns from repetitive use, overuse, or repetitive muscle fatigue. Restoring blood flow and oxygen returns the nutrients the tissue needs to become mobile and supple again, which in turn relieves compression on joints and nerves.

PUSH Therapy is ideal for those persons who deal with chronic tension and pain. Whether a weekend warrior, soccer parent, or elite athlete, PUSH works for you.

Contact Hanako at 720-838-8037 to schedule your session. Looking forward to hearing from you!